The Journey to the Podcast
It all started with a walking competition I was doing for my corporate job. The task was to complete over 10,000 steps a day. Well, as the competitive little bugger that I am, I ended up setting myself the further challenge of doing 20,000 steps a day. This meant doing over 3 hours of walking per day around the Swan River in Perth. To keep myself entertained, I discovered podcasts.
I couldn't believe how much knowledge and information was suddenly available at my finger tips - for FREE! Podcasts opened up my mind to infinite possibilities, and from then on I was hooked. I became fully immersed into the world of personal & spiritual growth. I truly believe if it hadn't been for stepping (literally) into the world of podcasts then my own growth, healing and transformation journey wouldn't have evolved in the way that it has.
Around this time I also became sober curious. When I got serious about removing alcohol from my life, alcohol-free themed podcasts were so incredibly helpful and guiding. It felt so comforting and motivating to listen to other people's stories and be able to really resonate with them. It's almost as though I knew deep down that I would one day launch my own podcast to help others on their own alcohol free, growth & healing journeys.
Launching The Sober Chapters Podcast really has been a dream come true. I hope that you all get as much from listening to the episodes as I do from creating them.

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Podcast Guest Appearances
Tune into some of the incredible podcasts I've had the pleasure of being interviewed on...
A safe space for the sober & sober curious to listen, to share and to feel
The Sober Chapters Podcast is an uplifting and inspiring space designed to highlight all of the ways in which removing alcohol for a chapter can reinvent your forever.
You see, removing alcohol is about so much more than removing alcohol. It's about immense personal & spiritual growth. It's about getting to know who you truly are. It's about stepping out of your patterns and into your purpose and your power.
The podcast is a combination of both guest and solo episodes, with lots of lived experience and story telling.
Podcast episodes are released every second Friday on all major platforms, including Apple & Spotify. Launching The Sober Chapters Podcast really has been a dream come true and I hope that you all get as much from listening to the episodes as I do from creating them.